Transportation and Mobility

Dúnta20 Iúil, 2020, 09:00 - 14 M.F., 2020, 17:00

A successful transport system is dependent on the integration with land-use planning.  It is essential to have an efficient strategic transport system for the future economic, social and physical development of Waterford. An efficient and well managed transport network not only provides ease of access and movement; but serves to improve the quality of life of residents and visitors, attracting businesses and activity. New cycle ways and walkways are also a significant means of improving sustainable transport within/between communities and assisting in transitioning to a low carbon and climate resilient society.

The development of the City’s North Quays provides an opportunity to promote a move away from car based transport to public transport, walking and cycling and facilitates the relocation of Plunkett Station to a more accessible location. The North Quays will link to the South Quays via a sustainable transport bridge.

For Waterford’s national & regional economic competitiveness, investment in the sustainable development of our port and airport assets is essential. Key future growth enablers for Waterford include connectivity to these facilities as well as enhanced regional connectivity to/from Waterford through improved average journey times by road to Limerick via proposed M20, to Cork via N25 and improved rail connections to Dublin and Limerick Junction.

Trip Type


Car %

Active Modes %

Public Trans. %


























State Total





Key Information

Just over half (52%) of commuters into Waterford city and suburbs came from Waterford county (5,807), 27% Kilkenny (2,994)
of people have less than 30 min commute; (national average is 28.2 mins)
North Quays will provide  for a multi-modal transport hub and a sustainable transport
is the average travel time to work for people in Waterford
Waterford Airport has received €5m in funding

Key Questions

  1. Do you find it easy to access local amenities by foot or bike?
  2. What actions and policies can the development plan identify to ensure an increase in persons using public transport?
  3. How can we build on the successes of the Waterford Greenway?
  4. What actions can the development plan include to support the use of the Greenway as an option for you to walk/cycle for transport?
  5. What are the most suitable locations for Park and Ride or Park and Stride facilities?
  6. What are the most suitable locations for electrical vehicle charging points?
  7. How can the development plan facilitate Waterford City and other towns becoming ’10 minute neighbourhoods’?3
  8. How can the development plan policies and land use objectives decrease dependency on private cars?
  9. How can development plan assist in creating safe environments for walking and cycling while still accommodating private car and heavy goods vehicle movement, particularly in narrow confined streets?

  • 3- A 10 min city is where a range of community facilities and services are accessible in short walking and cycling timeframes from homes or accessible by high quality public transport to these services in larger settlements.

Bus Service to Waterford City from Dunmore East
Please see attached submission
Using the Old Red Iron Railway Bridge
Please see attached submission
Using the Old Red Iron Railway Bridge
The proposal covers a concept to use the Old Red Iron Railway Bridge as a Vehicular Roadway and a link to the Greenway.  Please see attached submission
South Quay's, from Rice Bridge to Adelphi Quay
Waterford PBP believe a professionally designed and planned mile long tree lined Linear Park along the South Quay's, from Rice Bridge to Adelphi Quay with a river side boardwalk, mooring areas,...
Rail Transport in Waterford
Please see submission in attachment.   Regards,   South East on Track