Pre-Draft Public Consultation Strategic Issues Paper
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Waterford City and County Council is commencing the preparation of the City and County Development Plan 2022 – 2028. The City and County Development Plan sets out a framework or blue print for the proper planning and sustainable development for the whole of Waterford for a six years period.
In developing the plan, we will build on our previous successes and our strategic advantages as a county. We will aim to maximise the strengths of our citizens, communities, built and natural heritage, infrastructure and tourism, to their full potential.
The Development Plan will be consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES). This webpage is designed to keep you up-to-date with the process of the preparation of the Waterford City and County Development Plan 2022-2028 through each stage until the completion of the Plan in two years’ time.
Consultation process
The Development Plan preparation process will involve public consultation at 3 stages. Consultation will help inform the preparation of the new Plan. This current stage is considered to be Stage 1 “Pre-Draft”, and includes the preparation of a strategic issues paper. The strategic issues paper is available to view and download as pdfs in English and Irish and can also be viewed as web pages in the Contents pane opposite.
We would very much welcome your participation and submissions in order to help us shape your city and county. Your submissions will help us to find out the ‘big picture’ issues which affect you in Waterford, and also how best the Development Plan might assist in solving or addressing these.
As can be seen from the process diagram on this page, there will be 2 more opportunities for you to participate in the plan making process at a later date. We encourage you to take every opportunity to inform the Development Plan. Details of public consultation events will be available through this portal, the website of Waterford City and County Council, social media and radio, and also through the local press.
In order to facilitate public engagement and discussion, a series of online virtual town hall meetings were held during this initial public consultation period on the 18th/19th/20th August from 19:00 hrs - 20:15 hrs. These meetings helped to inform members of the public and community groups of the broad range of issues relevant to the future development of Waterford City and County and the role that the Development Plan has in directing, facilitating and managing such development.
The meetings give an overview of the development plan and provided an opportunity for questions and answers. A link to the full recodings of each public meeting can be found below.
Public Meetings
Tuesday August 18th: Environment and Heritage
Click HERE to view a video of the Environment and Heritage Webinar
Report on Questions and Answers provided at the meeting. Download [PDF] [Word]
Wednesday August 19th: Local Placemaking
Click HERE to view a video of the Local Placemaking Webinar
Report on Questions and Answers provided at the meeting. Download [PDF] [Word]
Thursday August 20th: Economy, Education and Agriculture
Click HERE to view a video of the Economy, Education and Agriculture Webinar
Report on Questions and Answers provided at the meeting. Download [PDF] [
We welcome your submissions
Submissions or observations may be made to the Planning Authority from Monday 20th July until Monday 14th September 2020 (both dates inclusive) and can be submitted as follows:
In writing to: Senior Planner, Planning Department, Waterford City and County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford City.
OR - In electronic format to via the online consultation portal
Please make your submission by one medium only (i.e. in hard copy or via the website/email). This will avoid the duplication of submission reference numbers and will streamline the process. All submissions should be clearly marked ‘City and County Development Plan 2022-2028’.
Stages of a Development Plan
In respect of making a submission or observation please note the following;
- Submissions should relate to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
- Children or groups or associations representing the interest of children are entitled to make submissions or observations regarding the objectives and policies to deliver an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area of the Development Plan and core strategy.
- Requests or proposals for the zoning of particular land for any purpose shall not be considered at this Pre-Draft Stage. Any such submissions will be returned.
- If you consider that you have a disability, please give details of any special requirements for public consultation purposes that you may have in order that appropriate arrangements can be made if necessary.
- All submissions must include your name and contact address, a map (where appropriate), and where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company, etc, which you represent.
Due to the restrictions on public gatherings related to Covid-19, it is hoped that people can engage fully with the plan preperation process through this consultation portal, however where people are unable to engege with the process online, face to face meeting can be arranged by apopointment directly through the Planning Department. In addition, a number of ‘Town Hall’ online meetings are being organised, which will assist in informing the making of pre draft submissions by the public. Full details of these will also be provided through and through local press.
The closing date for receipt of submission to this Pre-Draft stage is Monday 14th September 2020 at 4.00pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Data Protection: Note: Submissions received by the Planning Authority will be published on Waterford City & County Council’s website at within 10 working days of receipt, along with your name in accordance with the Planning & Development (Amendment) Act 2018. Your contact details will not be published. Please do not include personal, confidential or other sensitive information in submissions. Queries: Email
There are various stages involved in the preparation of the Development Plan. This current stage is considered to be Stage 1 “Pre-Draft” and includes the preparation of this strategic issues paper. As noted from the accompanying diagram, there will be subsequent opportunities for public consultation prior to the making of the final unitary Development Plan in 2022.
Stages in preparation of the Development Plan
Chief Executive Report on the Pre-draft Consultation Phase
The Chief Executive (CE) Report on the Pre-draft Consultation Phase of the City and county Development Plan was issued to Elected Members on 8th November 2020. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Pre-Draft Consultation summarises the submissions recieved and sets out the Chief Executive’s opinion and recommendation on policies to be included in the Draft City and County Development Plan.
Please click here to view the CE Report on the Pre Draft Consultation Stage of the Draft Waterford City and County Council Development Plan 2022 – 2028.