Economy, Employment, Education

Dúnta20 Iúil, 2020, 09:00 - 14 M.F., 2020, 17:00
Waterford is located at a key strategic position on the axis of both the Atlantic Economic Corridor, which connects the regional cities on the southern and western seaboards, and the East Coast Corridor which links Waterford to Dublin and Belfast. These links have the potential to stimulate employment led growth and regeneration across the city and county.

Waterford City has been designated as a key regional driver for growth in the South-East, with Dungarvan designated as a key town in the Regional Spatial Economic Strategy.

It is worthwhile to note that Waterford City is the closest metropolitan area to the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) and also to mainland Europe. Waterford benefits from exceptional road, rail, sea and air transport infrastructure making it a prime location for both indigenous and foreign companies to access national and international markets.

The development of WIT to a new Technological University for the South East (TUSE) will increase the intellectual capital of the region. It would be a key driver for innovation and entrepreneurship, increasing Foreign Direct Investment and thereby attracting increased external funding and investment.

Key Information

Waterford is the 5th largest employment centre in the State Waterford Port, a deepwater port, is connected to global shipping hubs, providing access to Europe, Americas and Asian markets
Waterford Port, a deepwater port, is connected to global shipping hubs, providing access to Europe, Americas and Asian markets 6,704 Waterford City and County Live Register Numbers for March 2020 (Waterford City = 5,731; Dungarvan = 973). This figure is up down by 223 from the same month in 2019
have a third level qualification or higher, compared to an average of 24.6% for the State
Additional jobs by 2040 to support additional population
Job to worker ratio for Waterford is 1.20 compared to Cork’s 1.16 and Dublin’s 0.9722, this is indicative of a inflow of workers into the city from a wider service area
6,704 Waterford City and County Live Register Numbers for March 2020 (Waterford City = 5,731; Dungarvan = 973). This figure is up down by 223 from the same month in 2019
Additional 3,840 primary places, 2,720 post-primary and +10K 3rd level places at WIT/TUSE Source: CSO, March 2020
11.3 %  
The school dropout rate was 11.3% compared to 9.4% nationally
have no formal or only primary level education

Key Questions

  1. What are the unique opportunities and challenges for enterprise and employment growth in Waterford?
  2. How can the development plan policies and objectives assist in attracting inward investment and job creation in Waterford and how can a balance be achieved in terms of where investment is located?
  3. What type of infrastructure is needed to ensure development of enterprise and how can it be delivered in a timely manner?
  4. How can the development plan facilitate the delivery of appropriate education facilities at appropriate locations?

  • 2-  Ratio of +1 = Net inflow of workers, ratio of – 1 = Net outflow of workers.

Retain existing zoning, facilitate retail warehousing uses and student accommodation
Retain existing zoning, facilitate retail warehousing uses and student accommodation - see attached submission
See attachment 
How to enable sustainable growth in our city and county
Please see attached submission
Context, Potential and Infrastructure
Please see submission attached
Future economic/ employment generating lands and uses for Tramore
See submission attached.