Volume 2: Development Management Standards

Closed18 Jun, 2021, 11:00 - 30 Aug, 2021, 17:00

Strategic Objectives

  • To implement the policy objectives and provide the physical framework of the Development Plan in order to realise the strategic objectives of this Development Plan and ensure the proper and sustainable development of Waterford
  • To require that all new development proposals shall comply with the relevant standards identified in this Development Management Chapter across the entire Planning Authority area of Waterford City & County Council.

Section 1.0 Introduction

The development management standards contained in this chapter shall be read in conjunction with the policies and objectives of previous chapters. In making a decision on any individual planning application, the Planning Authority is restricted to considering the proper planning and sustainable development of an area, having regard to the matters provided for in Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended). 

This Chapter sets out Waterford City & County Council’s development management standards and principles that will be applied by the Council to ensure that development occurs in an orderly and efficient manner, and that it is in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development. Regard should also be had to Guidelines issued by the Minister under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), notwithstanding the policy objectives and requirements of this Development Plan.  Proposals for development will need to take account of all of the standards and criteria that apply to the particular development, in addition to being assessed for consistency with the policies and objectives set out in the preceding chapters of the Plan and compliance with relevant legislative requirements.  

Where reference is made to guidelines/ policy documents etc, such reference shall be considered to refer to the most recent review/ publication of such guidelines. 

Section 2.0 Common Planning Principles

2.1 Pre-Planning Consultation 

It is of benefit to applicants, and the Council, for consultation to be had regarding proposed development prior to their lodgement as planning applications. In accordance with the requirements of Section 247 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), the Council operates a pre-planning consultation service which provides an opportunity for applicants to engage in discussions with the Council prior to the submission of a planning application. Applicants are encouraged to avail of this service, although not everyone is likely to require pre-planning, and in this regard, the Council has provided series of FAQs in order to assist potential applicants in answering some of the more frequently asked planning application queries. The Office of the Planning Regulator has also published a series of advice/ guidance leaflets in relation to planning and proposed development, and these may be accessed on their website at: https://www.opr.ie/planning-leaflets/

Under the provisions of Section 247, a prospective applicant shall have consulted with the Planning Authority in respect of development that comprises:  

  • Residential development of more than 10 housing units.
  • Non-residential development of more than 1,000 square metres gross floor space.
  • Other development as may be prescribed in legislation.

In order to avail of the pre-planning service, prospective applicants are required to complete the pre-planning application form which can be downloaded from the Council’s website at 
https://www.waterfordcouncil.ie/departments/planning/planningpermission/preplanning-consultations.htm, or by emailing planning@waterfordcouncil.ie. 

2.2 Ecosystem Services Approach and Green Infrastructure 

The concept of ‘ecosystem services’ addresses the many ways that humans depend on nature, and the impact of our activities on it.  Healthy ecosystems deliver many different benefits to people and society.  The key to sustainable development is achieving a balance between the exploitation of natural resources for socio-economic development, and conserving ecosystem services that are critical to people’s well-being and livelihoods.   

A good quality environment can also help to improve resilience to climate change, as trees and other green infrastructure provide important ecosystem services that can act as carbon storage or sinks, reduce the effects of flooding and urban ‘heat island’ effects. The careful management, maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem services are therefore an integral part of sustainable development, and it is a fundamental premise of this Development Plan that an ecosystem services approach is incorporated and integrated into our Development Planning and implementation activities. Such an approach is of best benefit in terms of ecology and biodiversity value, when integrated and linked into an overall green infrastructure system/ network. 

Development Management DM 01

  • Existing Green Infrastructure (including green corridors) and ecosystems services should be identified at the initial stages of the planning process of a proposed development, and should guide the design of an appropriate site layout. These may comprise linear open spaces along paths, water courses, planting or other natural features, and provide opportunities for walking and cycling, informal recreation, and biodiversity and wildlife migration.
  • The landscape plan submitted with an application should clearly illustrate how existing green infrastructure, and opportunities to create more linkages outside the site, have informed and been incorporated into the development layout. Green corridors are not considered to form part of the public open space provision of a development.
  • The Planning Authority will encourage the protection and integration within an overall site green infrastructure network, of existing mature trees and hedgerows which occur on proposed development sites, and where feasible, along roads. Where possible, all trees, hedgerow and landscape features to be retained shall be identified and retained in planning applications.

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