Appendix 1: Statement Outlining Compliance with Ministerial Guidelines

Closed18 Jun, 2021, 11:00 - 30 Aug, 2021, 17:00


This Appendix demonstrates how the Planning Authority has implemented Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines in the Draft Waterford City and County Development Plan 2022-2028.



Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) requires a planning authority to append a statement to a draft development plan which includes information which demonstrates how the planning authority has implemented the policies and objectives of the Minister contained in Section 28 Guidelines when preparing the plan. 

Where the planning authority has decided not to implement certain policies or objectives of the Minister contained in the guidelines, the statement must give the reasons why.  

This statement has been prepared in accordance with Section 28, and details how the planning authority has implemented Section 28 Minister Guidelines in the Draft Waterford City and County Development Plan 2022-2028. 

Section 28 Guidelines


Housing  Supply Target Methodology for Development Planning (2020)

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapter 2 – Core Strategy, Chapter 7: Housing and Volume 2: Development Management Standards and Appendix 3: HNDA and Housing Strategy

Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2020)

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapters 3 & 7, Volume 2: Development Management Standards and Appendix 3: Housing Strategy.

Design Manual for Urban Streets and Roads (2019)

These Guidelines underpin the approaches and objectives relating to the design of roads and streets in Waterford City, and the towns and villages in the county.

These guidelines are implemented in Chapter 3 Waterford MASP, Chapter 5 Transport, Chapter 8 Placemaking and Volume 2 Development Management Standards.

Sustainable Urban Housing -Design Standards for New Apartments Guidelines for the Planning Authorities (2018)

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapters 3 & 7, Volume 2: Development Management Standards and Appendix 3: Housing Strategy.

Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) (2017)

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapter 7 – Social Housing and Part V and Volume 2: Development Management Standards and Appendix 3: HNDA and Housing Strategy.

Local Area Plans - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2013)

The planning authority will have regard to these guidelines and any updated version when preparing new local area plans in the county as identified in the plan.

Development     Contributions  - Guidelines  for Planning Authorities (2013)

Waterford City and County Council had regard to the guidelines when preparing the current Development Contributions Scheme and will be applied to relevant developments.

Spatial Planning and National Roads – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2012)

The provisions of these guidelines have been implemented throughout the plan; particularly referenced in Chapter 5: Transport and Mobility and Volume 2: Section 8 of Development Management Standards

Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities and Retail Design Manual – A Good Practice Guide (2012)

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapter 3 – City Retail Strategy, Chapter 4 - County Retail Strategy, Volume 2: Development Management Standards and Appendix 4: Retail Strategy.

Guidelines for Planning Authorities and An Bord Pleanála on carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (2012)

The provision of these guidelines are  implemented in Volume 2: Development Management Standards

Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2009)

The provisions of these guidelines have been implemented throughout the plan. In particular a SFRA has been carried out in accordance with the guidelines (Appendix 13).

Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas-Guidelines for Planning

Authorities and Best Practice Urban Design Manual (2009).

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapters 3, 7, Volume 2: Development Management Standards and Appendix 3: Housing Strategy.

Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland – Guidance for Planning Authorities (2009)

Appropriate Assessment has been carried out in accordance with the statutory requirements and having regard to the guidelines. A Habitats Directive Natura Impact Report is included as Appendix 20. Volume 1: Section 9.8 relates to Appropriate Assessment. Mitigation measures from the AA process have been incorporated into the plan as appropriate throughout.

Provision of Schools and the Planning System - A Code of Practice for Planning Authorities (2008)

The policies and objectives contained in the guidelines are implemented in Chapter 4: Education, Chapter 7: Educational Facilities and Volume 2: Development Management Standards

Development Plans - Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2007)

The plan follows the recommendations of the guidelines with regard to the preparation and content of the plan.

Development Management - Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2007)

Volume 2 of the CDP sets out the development management standards that will be used to assess and determine planning applications.

Wind Energy - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2006) and Interim Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Statutory Plans, Renewable Energy and Climate Change

The Renewable Energy Strategy (Appendix 7) and the Renewable Energy objectives set out in Chapter 6: Utilities Infrastructure, Energy & Communications, as well as Section 5.24 of Volume 2: Development Management Standards (Renewable Energy Developments) have been prepared having regard to the guidelines.

Sustainable Rural Housing - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2005)

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapter 2 – Core Strategy, Chapter 7 – Rural Housing and Volume 2: Development Management Standards and Appendix 3: HNDA and Housing Strategy.

Quarries and Ancillary Activities-Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2004)

The policies and objectives contained in the guidelines are implemented in Chapter 6: Utilities Infrastructure, Energy & Communications and Section 6.4 of the Development Management Standards.

Implementation of SEA Directive (2001/42/EC): Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Projects on the Environment-Guidelines for Regional Authorities and Planning Authorities (2004)

Strategic Environmental Assessment was carried out as part of the plan process and is included as Appendix 19. Mitigation measures from the SEA process have been incorporated into the plan throughout.

Architectural Heritage Protection-Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2004 and 2011)

The policies and objectives contained in the guidelines are implemented in Volume 1, Chapter 11: Heritage and Volume 2: Development Management Standards

Architectural Heritage Protection for Places of Public Worship-Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2003)

The policies and objectives contained in the guidelines are implemented in Volume 1, Chapter 11: Heritage and Volume 2: Development Management Standards

Childcare Facilities Guidelines (2001)

The policies and objectives contained in the guidelines are implemented in Chapter 7: Childcare Facilities and Volume 2: Development Management Standards

Landscape and Landscape Assessment (Draft)- Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2000)

The policies and objectives contained in the guidelines are implemented in Volume 1 Chapter 10 Landscape and Appendix 8: Landscape & Seascape Character Assessment as well as the Development Management Standards.

Telecommunications  Antennae  and Support Structures (1996) and Circular Letter PL07/12

The policies and objectives contained in the guidelines are implemented in Chapter 6: Utilities Infrastructure, Energy & Communications and Section 5 of the Development Management Standards.

Tree Preservation Guidelines DOELG (1994)

These guidelines are referred to within the plan and implemented in Volume 1: Chapter 9: Climate Action , Biodiversity and Environment, and Volume 2: Development Management Standards


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