Local Area Plan - Place Standard Questionnaire

Dúnta7 Fea, 2023, 09:00 - 7 Már, 2023, 23:55

Why Place is important

Research shows that the places where we spend our time have an important impact on our lives. The way a place looks, functions and feels can influence our health and wellbeing, and the opportunities we have access to. Improving the quality of places can help to tackle inequalities. Understanding the existing and potential strengths of a place can inform good decision making, allowing limited resources to be targeted to where they are most needed. This approach can deliver better results over the long term. The tool can also support the design and delivery of sucessful places, creating quality development where people want to live.

The Place Standard is a tool which evaluates the quality of a place from the viewpoint or those who use it. The tool consists of a set of questions which cover 14 physical and social elements of a place as set out in the Place Standard Table below. Respondents are asked to consider each element in turn and rate their area with a value ranging between 1 and 7 accordingly. The tool allows different sizes and types of places to be assessed such as villages, towns or city neighbourhoods.

How to Use

You can complete the tool by way of this online questionnaire which is being undertaken by Waterford City and County Council. The results of the survey will inform how the Council evaluates and develops future work programmes in time.  Please answer each question by recording a rating on a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means there is a lot of room for improvement and 7 means there is very little room for improvement. Brief descriptions of each of the survey issues are provided below to assist in completing the survey.


Following compilation of all responses the Council will assemble the relevant details for each area. This will show the areas where a place is performing well or where there is room for improvement. It will also provide a benchmark on which future surveys can be based. In completing the survey, the following key elements should be considered one at a time and marked accordingly. Space is provided at the end of the survey to elaborate on the issue(s) you feel are most important.

The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.