Chapter 2: Spatial Vision and Core Strategy.

Dúnta18 Mei, 2021, 11:00 - 30 Lún, 2021, 17:00

Chapter 2: Spatial Vision and Core Strategy

2.0   Introduction

Section 10 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, sets out that the written statement of a Development Plan must contain a Core Strategy which shows that the development objectives in the Development Plan are consistent, as far as practicable, with the objectives set out in the NPF & SRSES while also demonstrating consistency with other national planning policy guidance issued under section 28 of the Act.

Based on the population targets set out in the NPF and SRSES, and the assessment of existing services and infrastructure across the city and county, the Core Strategy identifies the quantum, location and phasing of development which can be facilitated over the plan period. It also identifies the investment priorities required to ensure development which takes place is led by the infrastructure required to service it. The Core Strategy seeks to ensure that Waterford continues to grow in a manner, and at a rate, which sustains and builds communities across all rural and urban locations.

In addition to the population target for Waterford City as set out in the SRSES and MASP, it is recognised1 that the influence of Waterford City extends to a wider hinterland which dominates a significant area of Waterford County, the southern portion of County Kilkenny, the hinterlands of Carrick on Suir and Clonmel in County Tipperary and New Ross in County Wexford. This weighted catchment had a pop of 290,073 persons in 2016 and is anticipated to increase to 339,531 persons by 2031. Therefore Waterford City will have an important role in serving this population during the lifetime of the Development Plan.

The Core Strategy demonstrates the Development Plan’s adherence with other strategic and EU Directive requirements, and has also been informed by a consideration of strategic options for Waterford as set out in the Strategic Environmental Assessment accompanying the Development Plan, along with the Stage 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. In particular, measures for protecting and enhancing water quality contained in the South East River Basin Management Plan are taken into account in compliance with the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).

The underlying principles of this Core Strategy are based upon achieving sustainable social and economic development across Waterford, along with compact growth for urban and rural settlements and a concentric city model for Waterford City, as envisaged in PLUTS, the NPF and SRSES/MASP. These principles are founded upon the following:

  1. EU/National/Regional Policy Context: EU Directives, NPF, SRSES/MASP, South East River Basin Management Plan,
  2. Section 28 Guidelines,
  3. Local Policy and Strategy Context: PLUTS/WMATS, Retail Strategy, Housing Strategy, Settlement Strategy, Stage 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, Landscape Character Assessment, Renewable Energy Strategy, operable Development Plans and local area plans,
  4. Infrastructure led development and a sequential approach to zoning and development,
  5. Principles of compact growth and regeneration where appropriate,
  6. Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment.

2.1      Core Strategy Strategic Aims.

The Strategic Aims of the Core Strategy are as follows:

  1. Based on the population/employment targets and policy objectives of the NPF, SRSES & MASP, provide a local policy framework to, support development where it is consistent with the principles of sustainable development, and which is applied through planning decisions which are clear, consistent, robust and risk adverse.
  2. Identify investment priorities to deliver and support the settlement strategy and hierarchy, founded on the principle of infrastructure led development.
  3. Counteract imbalances in housing type, tenure and location both within settlements, between settlements and across broader rural areas in order to meet the needs of the people of Waterford, mitigating current residential leakage and unsustainable travel patterns.
  4. To require, where appropriate, all plans and projects to comply with the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive, the Habitats Directive, Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive. Protect the integrity all Natura 2000 sites, (p) HNA’s and locally important Biodiversity Sites in Waterford.
  5. To ensure the policies and objectives of the Development Plan demonstrate consistency with the national and regional policy objectives set out in the NPF, SRSES and MASP.
  6. To implement a tiered and infrastructure led approach to the development of new residential land and engage in active land management to bring forward opportunities for redevelopment where feasible.
  7. Develop key infrastructure required to deliver the concentric city model for Waterford City, consistent with the NPF, SRSES and MASP and founded on the assimilation of PLUTS and WMATS policy objectives.
  8. Implement the Waterford City and County Council Climate Adaptation Strategy 2019 (as amended) and promote a climate resilient pattern of development and land uses which assists in achieving national climate change mitigation and adaption targets.
  9. To protect and strengthen the retail primacy of Waterford City within the Southern Region.
  10. To protect and enhance the vibrancy and vitality of urban and rural centres and their mixed use functions/capacity as community hubs.
  11. To enhance the sense of place throughout settlements in Waterford and deliver 10 minute neighbourhoods through enhanced pedestrian and cycle permeability and mixed land use planning.
  12. To protect existing employment and promote new employment areas at strategic locations and in district and local services centres across Waterford County.
  13. Continue to encourage and promote the sustainable development of a range of quality tourism facilities, attractions and accommodation types across Waterford.

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1 Section 6.2 and 6.3 of the Waterford City & County Retail Strategy 2020 (Appendix 4 of the Development Plan)

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Proposed re-zone of Green Belt lands at Lyranearla, Clonmel
2.1 Great to see a number of the Social Determinants of health being referenced as key strategic aims in this list. I wonder- could a short paragraph on the social determinants of health be included...
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