Chapter 10: Landscape, Coast/ Marine and Blue Green Infrastructure
Chapter 10: Landscape, Coast/ Marine and Blue Green Infrastructure
Strategic Objectives
- Protect our sensitive landscapes and seascapes which contribute to the distinctiveness of Waterford as a place and its people.
- Establish Blue Green Infrastructure as a key component in the planning process and promote the sustainable development of recreational trails that do not adversely impact landscapes and ecological integrity.
10.0 Landscape/Seascape
The European Landscape Convention (2000) promotes the protection, management and planning of all landscapes including, rural, peri-urban and degraded landscapes. Article 5 of the ELC urges recognition in law that landscape is an essential component of people’s surroundings, an expression of diversity of shared cultural and natural heritage, and a foundation of identity. The convention advocates the establishment and implementation of landscape policies aimed at landscape protection, management and planning, and urges the participation of the general public, and local and regional authorities in these policies. The management of Waterford’s landscape involves:
- Ensuring adequate protection to our most sensitive and vulnerable landscapes through appropriate policies and objectives.
- Providing for development that will enhance and benefit the receiving environment; and
- Protecting the landscape from inappropriate and unsustainable development;
A Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment was prepared for Waterford City and County in 2020 (Figure 10.0 and Appendix 8) and identified seven landscape types; coastal landscapes, river corridor and estuary landscapes, farmed lowland landscapes, foothill landscapes, upland landscapes and urbanising landscapes. These landscapes are subject to varying forces for change and in turn have varying capacity to accommodate development that can impact on that particular landscape character.
Figure 10.0 Waterford Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment
All development proposals will be evaluated to assess their compliance with standards and legal requirements of the following where they apply;
- 2014 National Landscape Strategy
- 2020 Waterford Landscape Character Assessment