Local Transport Plans for Tramore and Dungarvan/Ballinroad (Pre Draft Public Consultation)
Waterford City & County Council, with the assistance of the National Transport Authority (NTA), has appointed consultants O’Connor Sutton Cronin to prepare Local Transport Plans (LTPs) for the towns of Dungarvan/ Ballinroad and Tramore. The LTPs are informed by Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA) methodology (prepared by the NTA) and are one of a number of complementary assessment processes used in the preparation of Local Area Plans (LAP), planning schemes (such as SDZs), and Masterplans. The output of an ABTA is a LTP which should guide the transport requirements for the future development of a defined study area and to ensure the assessment of transport demand and its associated impact plays a central role in informing future development proposals.
Waterford City & County Council and the NTA, aim to improve the current sustainable transport offering in both Dungarvan/ Ballinroad and Tramore. The LTPs are required to inform the preparation of the new series of LAPs to be prepared in 2025 with the primary objective of effective integration of land use and transport planning. In this regard the LTP is required to:
- Meet the planned future travel demand, in the context of the statutory plans informing the future development of the Tramore area;
- Provide a vision for the achievement of a reduction in car dependency and shift to sustainable modes of transport;
- Identify policy interventions and infrastructure measures required to enable modal shift including walking, cycling, scooting and public transport and a reduction in the need to travel;
- Create a transport system that is accessible to all;
- Ensure integrated development of all transport modes;
- Identify opportunities for the integration of transport and land use policy proposals;
- Enhance quality of life and the attractiveness of the urban environment through high quality landscape and biodiversity interventions;
- Improve road safety and public health;
- Reduce air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption;
- Provide a transport system that supports the economy by connecting to key employment areas and supports the growing population of the Tramore and wider environs;
- Promote Safe Routes to Schools; and,
- Ensure economic viability, social equity, and environmental quality.
The principal elements of the ABTA methodology are set out hereunder.
The study areas for each LTP are set out in the attached documents to this consultation page and consist of the areas zoned for development in the maps below.
To support the preparation of the LTPs, the consultants O’Connor Sutton Cronin have prepared information leaflets which are attached to this consultation page for information purposes. If you have issues you wish to raise and which you feel warrant attention in the preparation of the LTP, please submit your comments in writing during the public consultation period which ends at 16:00hrs on the 20th December 2024 to the following:
By Email: contactus@ocsc.ie
By Post: O’Connor Sutton Cronin, FAO Tramore or Dungarvan/Ballinroad Local Transport Plan, 9 Prussia Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin, D07 KT57, Ireland.
It is intended that a draft LTP for each town will be available in early 2025 for further consultation.