Expressions of Interest for regenerated Commercial and Residential Properties in Cappoquin

Open3 Sep, 2024, 09:00 - 26 Sep, 2024, 17:00

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Waterford City & County Council are inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) related to three commercial opportunities together with residential offerings currently being developed in partnership with the Cappoquin Regeneration Company.

This regeneration project is being delivered as part of the Town Centre First initiative and is financed by the Rural Regeneration Development Fund. The three commercial/residential properties currently under refurbishment are located on Main Street in Cappoquin and are as follows:

1. Former Moore’s Hotel (EIR CODE: P51 H6A0)

2. Former Fennell’s Public House (EIR CODE P51 K0H2)

3. Former Uniacke’s Supermarket (EIR CODE P51 CFH4)

Waterford City & County Council are interested in bringing commercial partners on board. The premises are currently undergoing significant renovation works. The first property will be made available for fit out by the successful applicant from August 2025 while the other two properties will become available from March 2026. The successful applicant will be responsible for all costs associated with the final fit-out of the units.

The overall project in Cappoquin involves the investment of more than €7.5 Million over a number of Years. It also involves the regeneration of 3 town houses as well as improvement works to the public realm which will focus on the Market Square Area.

Other investment in Cappoquin under the Outdoor Recreation and Town and Village Renewal Schemes will also encourage increased visitors and footfall to the town. Expressions of Interest will be assessed by a Waterford City & County Council officials together with others appointed.

Any queries regarding the Expression of Interest can be emailed to: or

Detailed Expression of Interests including a completed Declaration as to Personal Circumstances should be emailed to: no later than 17:00 on Thursday the 26th of September 2024.



rural development